Hello Everyone!
(NOTE: this post is spoken to basketball players, but the plan outlined below is for every athlete or any sport!)
So it's over, whether you hoisted the state trophy or didn't even make the post-season, every player’s season eventually ends. Suddenly there's no more scheduled practices or packing your duffel bag for the game. There's just available time, and a lot more of it than you're used to. Having time for yourself is something you haven't been accustomed to the last few months. The last few months have been spent in a season that is now over and has left you with countless feelings, memories, and emotions.
photo credit: 94fifty.com |
Maybe you're glad your season is over. Maybe you're glad you no longer have to deal with the drama that contaminated your season from teammates and coaches that couldn't consistently work together. Maybe you're heartbroken from a season unfulfilled. Maybe this was supposed to be YOUR year to win it all and it didn't happen. Maybe you were the dark horse that came out of nowhere and had a dream season. Maybe you still can't believe you're not going to lace up your sneakers one more time with some of the best teammates anyone could ask for. Basketball asks a lot from you emotionally, mentally, and physically. And if you're not graduating or retiring this year, basketball will be asking you to come back for more.
But what now? What if you're not even sure if basketball is worth it any more? Or what if you just can't wait to get back on the court you love the game so much?
Regardless of how you feel, doing the following is the foundation for an unstoppable off-season. It will prevent you from wasting this value gift of time that you now have. Doing the following is also what great players do at the beginning of their off-season.
Before going further, please know the following is not for everyone, but neither is playing time for everyone. All of these things require you to make a choice of whether you'll actually do them or not.
To be great you must make great choices and take great action. Here's your chance to start being great.
photo credit: denveryouthhoops.com |
No matter how painful or how long you think it will take. Pull out a notebook and write down the following categories:
- 10 things you did well this season
- 10 things you didn't do well this season
For category one you must find 10 things you did well. Even if you have write down things like, “I tied my shoes so well they never came undone in a game.”
For category two you are not allowed to write down more than 10 things. You may feel like you could write a never-ending list, regardless, you can only put down 10.
Now go through and cross off anything on both lists that is out of your control. Anything that you could not have done something, no matter how small, to affect or change. Anything that could not have changed if you would have talked to coach, put in extra practice, studied more, met with your teammates, or applied a little more hustle and effort.
You may find yourself struggling to cross anything off.
Are you starting to realize the power you have within you? This power to change, or at the very least attempt to change, is inside you and only you. Not your teammates, parents, friends, coaches, or fans. This power, in combination with this newly gained time, are the framework for what can be a game-changing off-season.
Where do you want to go from here? What do you want to be able to add to the first category and take off the second category this time next year? Pick the top 3 things you want to add or focus on for category one and pick the top 3 things you want to subtract or remove from category two.
Now if you want more playing time, put a star next to the one thing from each of your top 3’s that you think your coach would want the most. Not sure? Then ask coach!
The clarity you're gaining by doing this will streamline your off-season efforts and give you a competitive edge.
Remember, good athletes love to compete. You're now entering a new season with new competition. All over the country, and the world, basketball players are either getting ahead of you or falling behind with their development. Having the clarity of your own inner power and your most important focuses is a competitive advantage.
You have time, you have power, and now you have clarity.
For some of you there's one more thing you have to come to terms with if you're going to start creating an unstoppable off-season of growth and development. Some of you are injured and you know it. You've been playing through pain. You have to be honest with yourself and you have to have the courage to go to the doctor as soon as possible. Get your foot looked at, or an MRI on your knee, or talk to the doctor about your low back. Get to the doctor now, because no matter what you off-season focuses are, you won't be successful if you're not healthy. Get it out of the way and taken care as fast as possible. You must be healthy if you're going to have an unstoppable off-season.
photo credit: hoopthoughts.com |
Each day it's up to to you how you'll use your time, power, and clarity to create your unstoppable off-season.
Maybe your top 3 things make it clear you have to commit yourself to the weight room, or to getting faster, or reading and studying the game, or getting over 500 shots up daily. You now have the time to prioritize your focus and if you choose you have the power to take great action.
Keep Training!
Coach Amanda Kephart