Monday, May 5, 2014

Work, Play, and Performance Training

Hello Everyone!

Something important for coaches and athletes to understand when it comes to performance training is the balance between work and play. As strength coaches, we want our athletes to have fun and enjoy training. We want to provide a challenging and engaging environment that increases our athletes' enthusiasm, buy-in, and results. We want our athletes to look forward to coming in and working hard.

As athletes, you should anticipate and enjoy your workout. It should be challenging but enjoyable. Yes, you’ll have your good days and bad days in the weight room just as you will on the field or court, but understand that this is part of the process of becoming a better version of yourself. You should want to train each day, bring your A-game, and view each session as an opportunity to improve, not as a daunting task or obstacle.  

For both coaches and athletes, the saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” rings true. Training should not feel like a chore and should not be boring. Just remember to keep play in check and make sure that training sessions are not only fun, but productive. Remember to stay focused on the task at hand. Regardless of whether you  are a coach or an athlete, your job is to train first and to talk second!

Keep Training!
Coach Anthony Colarusso and Akron General Sports Performance

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